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Notices=I love Minecraft, it is a great multiplayer game and I think it has really come a long way since the beginning. I have been playing Minecraft since the release of the first game, and it has just gotten better and better. But this game could use some improvements especially for mobile users. I feel like the computer users of Minecraft get updates quicker. For instance I have seen people on computers that have the full aquatic update , while I’m on an iPad and I am only now getting news of this update plus it is coming so slowly. Another problem I have with this game is the in-app purchases I mean I know they have added coins but you still have to buy those coins with your real life money. I wish that they had a way that you could somehow earn the coins in game by playing and achieving certain goals. I also think this game needs more mobs they have all these biomes but so little animals they should have different animals and mobs for each biome. Just one idea for the game I had too was Eskimos can be like the villagers of the snow biomes. Finally, another issue I have is the LAG if I have a certain amount of worlds the game lags like crazy to where I can’t play the game. I hope you consider these problems and think about ways to fix them and please get the updates to users at the same time. I have been a Minecraft user for many years and I would like to see the game be improved / average ratings=4,4 / 5 / authors=Mojang / The Village & Pillage Update is here! Create new communities. Survive new threats. Explore all-new villages! / Portuguese / Published dates=2011-11-17 / genre=Adventure.

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